The following video was taped at the same house at a later date.  You can hear myself explaining the conditions of the room - and then out of the right corner - mid way up - you see a huge orb flying towards the bottom of your screen. (be patient for it to load - will take a few seconds)

It does look like someone took a white balloon or something and threw it across the room - and you would be in every right to question this.  However - this is not a fake.  What you see coming in from the right hand side exiting out the bottom of the picture - is a true phenomenon.  No one else was in the room except the team member taking the video.  Its too large to be a 'moth' or some other insect.  This house is also located in the country away from main roads and surrounded by trees, so it isn't the reflection of car lights coming in and bouncing off of the windows.  In the house, its this room that seems to have the most activity.




Here is a video shot at the Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Edmonton, Alberta on October 25th, 2004.  There was no smoke in the air, no exhaust, and this is not the breath of either investigator.  Here you see an image suddenly appear in the right lower corner of the video and 'walk' by fast.

Here are two stills from the video -  it has no form of exhaust, mist or breath from a person - it just appears then disappears off camera.  The last still shows it to be to solid to be any of the previous explanations.  Some UK paranormal teams have also viewed this, and cannot explain it.



This following video was taken in the house later on a visit.  Watch as you see two 'orbs dance' then disappear.